The Role of the Ketogenic Diet in Menopause.

The Role of the Ketogenic Diet in Menopause.

Possible Benefits: The Role of the Ketogenic Diet in Menopause

The ketogenic diet may be associated with several benefits, specifically during menopause.

Hormonal Changes During Menopause: A Shift in Dynamics

Menopause can cause several changes in hormone levels.

In addition to altering levels of sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone, menopause can decrease insulin sensitivity, which can impair your body’s ability to use insulin effectively.

Insulin is a hormone that’s responsible for transporting sugar from your bloodstream into your cells, where it can be used as fuel. Some research suggests that the ketogenic diet may improve insulin sensitivity to promote better blood sugar control.

One study found that following a ketogenic diet for 12 weeks improved insulin levels and insulin sensitivity in women with endometrial or ovarian cancer.

May Prevent Weight Gain: Navigating Menopausal Changes

Weight gain is a symptom of menopause that’s often attributed to alterations in hormone levels and a slower metabolism.

In addition to experiencing a decrease in calorie needs during menopause, some women undergo height loss, which could contribute to an increase in excess body fat.

Although research on the ketogenic diet specifically is limited, some studies have found that decreasing carb intake may help prevent weight gain.

For example, one study in over 88,000 women found that following a low-carb diet was linked to a decreased risk of postmenopausal weight gain. Conversely, following a low-fat diet was tied to an increased risk of weight gain among participants.

Combating Cravings: A Keto Solution

Many women experience increased hunger and cravings during the transition into menopause.

Several studies have found that the ketogenic diet may decrease hunger and appetite, which could be especially beneficial during menopause.

According to one 95-person study that included 55 women, following the ketogenic diet for 9 weeks increased levels of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), which is a hormone that regulates appetite. Interestingly, this increase was observed in the female participants.

Similarly, another small study noted that a low-calorie ketogenic diet decreased appetite and levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite.

However, more studies are needed to evaluate how the ketogenic diet may affect cravings and appetite in menopausal women specifically.

So What's the End Score? Keto as a Menopausal Ally

Keto may offer benefits for women during menopause, including increased insulin sensitivity, decreased weight gain, and reduced cravings.

Using Keto may work for some women during menopause; keep in mind that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone, and we need to move things around a little.

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