Is RAW Milk Keto ?

Is RAW Milk Keto ?

Several medical associations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, Canadian Medical Association, and Australian Medical Association, promote a position against consumption of raw milk or raw milk products. The stated reasons for this position are that raw milk may contain dangerous pathogens and that raw milk does not possess any benefits over pasteurized milk. However, these conclusions are outdated and in conflict with the most up-to-date peer-reviewed and internationally-published research.


Raw milk has superior nutrition and significant health benefits over pasteurized milk. Raw milk contains greater bioavailable nutrients than pasteurized milk, as well as a wide array of beneficial enzymes and probiotics which are known to have benefits on the immune system and gastrointestinal tract.


Raw milk intended for direct human consumption is produced in sanitary conditions, with much care to ensure that the animals are healthy and that the milk is clean. This type of raw milk is tested often and held to rigorous standards to ensure that it is being produced in a way that discourages pathogen growth.


Pasteurized milk is now known as one of the foremost allergenic foods. Scientific evidence against pasteurized milk is mounting: for instance, a study of nearly 800 European children found that children who consumed pasteurized milk were more likely to show signs of milk allergy, whereas children who consumed raw milk were protected from milk allergy. The process of pasteurization denatures and destroys many nutrients, so much so that synthetic vitamins are added back in after pasteurization.


Pasteurization of milk has been shown to:

  • Reduce the bioavailability of calcium and phosphorus
  • Reduce the presence of copper and iron
  • Reduce Vitamins A, B Complex, C, and E
  • Destroy beta-lactoglobulin, thereby decreasing intestinal absorption of Vitamins A and D
  • Destroy probiotics, including lactobacillus and pediococcus, and
  • Inactivate beneficial enzymes, including lactase, alkaline phosphatase, and lactoperoxidase



In many ways, raw milk can be likened to breastmilk: they both contain a wide array of beneficial nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, in their natural form which is most easily utilized by the body. Both raw milk and breastmilk are designed to provide excellent nutrition and strengthen the immune system . It is widely acknowledged that breastmilk is the best food for the early years of life, however raw milk is a natural next step after breastfeeding.

Raw milk, and especially raw milk from pastured animals, is a great source of calcium, iron, Vitamins A, D & K, phosphorus, zinc, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and omega-3 fatty acids, plus many beneficial enzymes and probiotics. 


Beneficial probiotics in raw milk are diverse and abundant. These raw milk probiotics have a number of known health benefits. For example, raw milk contains a variety of living bacteria which facilitate the production of lactase enzyme in the intestine, which has been shown to help with lactose digestion in lactose intolerant people 


More recent scientific studies have shown that raw milk is associated with a number of tangible health benefits:

  • A study of over 8,000 European children showed that raw milk consumption is associated with significantly lower rates of asthma and allergies 
  • A study of over 900 European children concluded that, "Continuous farm [raw] milk consumption in childhood protects against asthma at school age" 
  • A study of over 14,800 European children concluded that there is a "significant inverse association between farm [raw] milk consumption and childhood asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, sensitization to pollen, a mix of food allergens, and horse dander" 
  • A study of over 3,000 USA adults concluded that, " Raw milk, if the main type of milk consumed in childhood, was also associated with reduced risk of atopy" and current raw milk consumption in adulthood intensified this beneficial effect 
  • A study of over 3,000 USA adults concluded that, "raw milk consumption, particularly early in life, is associated with better pulmonary function in adulthood" 
  • A study of over 900 European children concluded that, "Early life consumption of raw cow's milk reduced the risk of manifest respiratory infections and fever by about 30%" 
  • A study of over 4,000 European children found that consumption of raw milk was associated with a strong protective effect against eczema 

These studies specifically compared raw milk to pasteurized milk, and have concluded that raw milk has significant health benefits over pasteurized milk.


RAW milk has less carbs than normal milk and this is the reason I add RAW milk into my Ketogenic/Carnivore diet. I do not consume RAW milk between meals because I will break my short term fasting window, but I do break a fast after training with a RAW milk shake containing some kind of organ capsules like liver or testicals (Ancestral Supplements link right here and code for 10% off is KETOKEV) LINK - If you are interested. 


I add collagen from Hunter and Gather to my milk after training too. (LINK).


HOWEVER..... If i am not training, I don't drink milk, I do not drink milk between meals and I do not consider it to be a "Keto Friendly" food for people to chug down with there tea. 


Use RAW milk to your advantage........




[1] Frequently Asked Questions About Food Allergies. Food and Drug Administration website as of November 7, 2019.

[2] Atopic sensitization in the first year of life. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2013; 131(3):781-8. Depner M, Ege MJ, Genuneit J, Pekkanen J, Roponen M, Hirvonen MR, Dalphin JC, Kaulek V, Krauss-Etschmann S, Riedler J, Braun-Fahrländer C, Roduit C, Lauener R, Pfefferle PI, Weber J, von Mutius E; PASTURE Study Group.

[3] Raw Milk Questions and Answers. US Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website as of November 6, 2019.

[4] A Comparison of Raw, Pasteurized, Evaporated, and Dried Milks as Sources of Calcium and Phosphorus for the Human Subject. Department of Food Economics and Nutrition, Kansas Experiment Station, Manhattan. 1928. Kramer MM, Latzke E, Shaw MM.

[5] Assessing the effects of severe heat treatment of milk on calcium bioavailability: in vitro and in vivo studies. Journal of Dairy Science. 2010; 93(12): 5635-43. Seiquer I, Delgado-Andrade C, Haro A, Navarro MP.

[6] Effect of processing on contents and relationships of mineral elements of milk. Food Chemistry. 1994; 51(1): 75-78. Zurera-Cosano G, Moreno-Rojas R, Amaro-Lopez M.

[7] Influence of thermal and other manufacturing stresses on retinol isomerization in milk and dairy products. Journal of Dairy Research. 1998; 65(2): 253-60. Panfili G, Manzi P, Pizzoferrato L.

[8] A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of pasteurization on milk vitamins, and evidence for raw milk consumption and other health-related outcomes. Journal of Food Protection. 2011;74(11):1814-32. Macdonald LE, Brett J, Kelton D, Majowicz SE, Snedeker K, Sargeant JM.

[9] Intestinal uptake of retinol: enhancement by bovine milk beta-lactoglobulin. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1989; 49(4): 690-94. Said HM, Ong DE, Shingleton JL. 

[10] Evidence for beta-lactoglobulin involvement in vitamin D transport in vivo--role of the gamma-turn (Leu-Pro-Met) of beta-lactoglobulin in vitamin D binding. FEBS Journal. 2009; 276(8):2251-65. Yang MC, Chen NC, Chen CJ, Wu CY, Mao SJ.  

[11] The growing role of probiotics. Harvard Men's Health Watch. 2018. Harvard Medical School.

[12] Alkaline Phosphatase Testing for Milk Pasteurization. Dairy Foods Science Notes. 11-07. Department of Food Science, Cornell University.

[13] Proteolytic Systems in Milk: Perspectives on the Evolutionary Function within the Mammary Gland and the Infant. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia. 2015; 20(3-4):133-47. DC Dallas, NM Murray, J Gan.

[14] The Role of Trees and Pastures in Organic Agriculture. Sustainable Agriculture Research. 2015; 4: 47-55. J Heckman.

[15] Lipases in bovine milk and the relationship between the lipoprotein lipase and tributyrate hydrolysing activities in cream and skim-milk. Journal of Dairy Research. 1975; 42(2): 255-66. HB Castberg, T Egelrud, P Solberg, T Olivecrona.

[16] Contribution of the lactoperoxidase system to the keeping quality of pasteurized milk. Journal of Dairy Research. 1999; 66(1):73-80. Barrett NE, Grandison AS, Lewis MJ.

[17] Dairy products and the French paradox: Could alkaline phosphatases play a role? Medical Hypotheses. 2016; 92:7-11. Lallès JP.

[18] Effect of a single dose of lactase on symptoms and expired hydrogen after lactose challenge in lactose-intolerant subjects. Clinical Pharmacy. 1992; 11(6):533-8. Sanders SW, Tolman KG, Reitberg DP.

[19] The complex microbiota of raw milk. FEMS Microbiology Review. 2013: 37(5), 664-98. Quigley L, O'Sullivan O, Stanton C, Beresford TP, Ross RP, Fitzgerald GF, Cotter PD.

[20] Securing Fresh Food From Fertile Soil, Challenges to the Organic and Raw Milk Movements. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, Cambridge University Press. 2017. J Heckman. 

[21] Porter, Charles Sanford. Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease. Burnett P.O., California, 1911.

[22] Use of Milk in the Treatment of Human Disease. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the United States Live Stock Sanitary Association. 1925. Crewe JE.

[23] Macfadden, Bernarr. The Milk Diet: How to Use the Milk Diet Scientifically at Home. 1923.

[24] The protective effect of farm milk consumption on childhood asthma and atopy: The GABRIELA study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2011; 128 (4): 766-73. Loss G, Apprich S, Waser M, Kneifel W, Genuneit J, Büchele G, Weber J, Sozanska B, Danielewicz H, Horak E, Joost van Neerven RJ, Heederik D, Lorenzen PC, von Mutius E, Braun-Fahrländer C; GABRIELA study group. 

[25] ω-3 fatty acids contribute to the asthma-protective effect of unprocessed cow's milk. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2016; 137 (6): 1699-1706. Brick T, Schober Y, Böcking C, Pekkanen J, Genuneit J, Loss G, Dalphin JC, Riedler J, Lauener R, Nockher WA, Renz H, Vaarala O, Braun-Fahrländer C, von Mutius E, Ege MJ, Pfefferle PI; PASTURE study group. 

[26] Inverse association of farm milk consumption with asthma and allergy in rural and suburban populations across Europe. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2007; 37(5):661-70. Waser M, Michels KB, Bieli C, Flöistrup H, Pershagen G, von Mutius E, Ege M, Riedler J, Schram-Bijkerk D, Brunekreef B, van Hage M, Lauener R, Braun-Fahrländer C; PARSIFAL study team.

[27] Early-life farm exposures and adult asthma and atopy in the Agricultural Lung Health Study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2017; 140 (1): 249-56. House JS, Wyss AB, Hoppin JA, Richards M, Long S, Umbach DM, Henneberger PK, Beane Freeman LE, Sandler DP, O’Connell EL, Barker-Cummings C, London SJ.

[28] Raw Milk Consumption and Other Early-life Farm Exposures and Adult Pulmonary Function in the Agricultural Lung Health Study. Thorax. 2018; 73(3): 279-82. Wyss AB, House JS, Hoppin JA, Richards M, Hankinson JL, Long S, Henneberger PK, Beane Freeman LE, Sandler DP, O'Connell EL, Cummings CB, Umbach DM, London SJ.

[29] Consumption of unprocessed cow's milk protects infants from common respiratory infections. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2015; 135 (1): 56-62. Loss G, Depner M, Ulfman LH, Joost van Neerven RJ, Hose AJ, Genuneit J, Karvonen M, Hyvärinen A, Kaulek V, Roduit C, Weber J, Lauener R, Pfefferle PI, Pekkanen J, Vaarala O, Dalphin JC, Riedler J, Braun-Fahrländer C, von Mutius E, Ege MJ; PASTURE study group. 

[30] Which aspects of the farming lifestyle explain the inverse association with childhood allergy? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2006; 117 (6):1374-81. Perkin MR, Strachan DP. 

[31] Surveillance for Foodborne Disease Outbreaks - United States, 2009-2015. US Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

[32] Two Types of Raw Milk: A Comparison of Pathogen Contamination Rates. British Columbia Herdshare Association. 2019.

[33] Population Survey Atlas of Exposures, 2006-2007. Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network. US Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

[34] Raw Milk Reality: Is Raw Milk Dangerous? 2019. Kresser C.

[35] Recent Trends in Unpasteurized Fluid Milk Outbreaks, Legalization, and Consumption in the United States. PLOS Currents. 2018; 10. Whitehead J, Lake B.





[1] Frequently Asked Questions About Food Allergies. Food and Drug Administration website as of November 7, 2019.

[2] Atopic sensitization in the first year of life. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2013; 131(3):781-8. Depner M, Ege MJ, Genuneit J, Pekkanen J, Roponen M, Hirvonen MR, Dalphin JC, Kaulek V, Krauss-Etschmann S, Riedler J, Braun-Fahrländer C, Roduit C, Lauener R, Pfefferle PI, Weber J, von Mutius E; PASTURE Study Group.

[3] Raw Milk Questions and Answers. US Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website as of November 6, 2019.

[4] A Comparison of Raw, Pasteurized, Evaporated, and Dried Milks as Sources of Calcium and Phosphorus for the Human Subject. Department of Food Economics and Nutrition, Kansas Experiment Station, Manhattan. 1928. Kramer MM, Latzke E, Shaw MM.

[5] Assessing the effects of severe heat treatment of milk on calcium bioavailability: in vitro and in vivo studies. Journal of Dairy Science. 2010; 93(12): 5635-43. Seiquer I, Delgado-Andrade C, Haro A, Navarro MP.

[6] Effect of processing on contents and relationships of mineral elements of milk. Food Chemistry. 1994; 51(1): 75-78. Zurera-Cosano G, Moreno-Rojas R, Amaro-Lopez M.

[7] Influence of thermal and other manufacturing stresses on retinol isomerization in milk and dairy products. Journal of Dairy Research. 1998; 65(2): 253-60. Panfili G, Manzi P, Pizzoferrato L.

[8] A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of pasteurization on milk vitamins, and evidence for raw milk consumption and other health-related outcomes. Journal of Food Protection. 2011;74(11):1814-32. Macdonald LE, Brett J, Kelton D, Majowicz SE, Snedeker K, Sargeant JM.

[9] Intestinal uptake of retinol: enhancement by bovine milk beta-lactoglobulin. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1989; 49(4): 690-94. Said HM, Ong DE, Shingleton JL. 

[10] Evidence for beta-lactoglobulin involvement in vitamin D transport in vivo--role of the gamma-turn (Leu-Pro-Met) of beta-lactoglobulin in vitamin D binding. FEBS Journal. 2009; 276(8):2251-65. Yang MC, Chen NC, Chen CJ, Wu CY, Mao SJ.  

[11] The growing role of probiotics. Harvard Men's Health Watch. 2018. Harvard Medical School.

[12] Alkaline Phosphatase Testing for Milk Pasteurization. Dairy Foods Science Notes. 11-07. Department of Food Science, Cornell University.

[13] Proteolytic Systems in Milk: Perspectives on the Evolutionary Function within the Mammary Gland and the Infant. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia. 2015; 20(3-4):133-47. DC Dallas, NM Murray, J Gan.

[14] The Role of Trees and Pastures in Organic Agriculture. Sustainable Agriculture Research. 2015; 4: 47-55. J Heckman.

[15] Lipases in bovine milk and the relationship between the lipoprotein lipase and tributyrate hydrolysing activities in cream and skim-milk. Journal of Dairy Research. 1975; 42(2): 255-66. HB Castberg, T Egelrud, P Solberg, T Olivecrona.

[16] Contribution of the lactoperoxidase system to the keeping quality of pasteurized milk. Journal of Dairy Research. 1999; 66(1):73-80. Barrett NE, Grandison AS, Lewis MJ.

[17] Dairy products and the French paradox: Could alkaline phosphatases play a role? Medical Hypotheses. 2016; 92:7-11. Lallès JP.

[18] Effect of a single dose of lactase on symptoms and expired hydrogen after lactose challenge in lactose-intolerant subjects. Clinical Pharmacy. 1992; 11(6):533-8. Sanders SW, Tolman KG, Reitberg DP.

[19] The complex microbiota of raw milk. FEMS Microbiology Review. 2013: 37(5), 664-98. Quigley L, O'Sullivan O, Stanton C, Beresford TP, Ross RP, Fitzgerald GF, Cotter PD.

[20] Securing Fresh Food From Fertile Soil, Challenges to the Organic and Raw Milk Movements. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, Cambridge University Press. 2017. J Heckman. 

[21] Porter, Charles Sanford. Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease. Burnett P.O., California, 1911.

[22] Use of Milk in the Treatment of Human Disease. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the United States Live Stock Sanitary Association. 1925. Crewe JE.

[23] Macfadden, Bernarr. The Milk Diet: How to Use the Milk Diet Scientifically at Home. 1923.

[24] The protective effect of farm milk consumption on childhood asthma and atopy: The GABRIELA study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2011; 128 (4): 766-73. Loss G, Apprich S, Waser M, Kneifel W, Genuneit J, Büchele G, Weber J, Sozanska B, Danielewicz H, Horak E, Joost van Neerven RJ, Heederik D, Lorenzen PC, von Mutius E, Braun-Fahrländer C; GABRIELA study group. 

[25] ω-3 fatty acids contribute to the asthma-protective effect of unprocessed cow's milk. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2016; 137 (6): 1699-1706. Brick T, Schober Y, Böcking C, Pekkanen J, Genuneit J, Loss G, Dalphin JC, Riedler J, Lauener R, Nockher WA, Renz H, Vaarala O, Braun-Fahrländer C, von Mutius E, Ege MJ, Pfefferle PI; PASTURE study group. 

[26] Inverse association of farm milk consumption with asthma and allergy in rural and suburban populations across Europe. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2007; 37(5):661-70. Waser M, Michels KB, Bieli C, Flöistrup H, Pershagen G, von Mutius E, Ege M, Riedler J, Schram-Bijkerk D, Brunekreef B, van Hage M, Lauener R, Braun-Fahrländer C; PARSIFAL study team.

[27] Early-life farm exposures and adult asthma and atopy in the Agricultural Lung Health Study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2017; 140 (1): 249-56. House JS, Wyss AB, Hoppin JA, Richards M, Long S, Umbach DM, Henneberger PK, Beane Freeman LE, Sandler DP, O’Connell EL, Barker-Cummings C, London SJ.

[28] Raw Milk Consumption and Other Early-life Farm Exposures and Adult Pulmonary Function in the Agricultural Lung Health Study. Thorax. 2018; 73(3): 279-82. Wyss AB, House JS, Hoppin JA, Richards M, Hankinson JL, Long S, Henneberger PK, Beane Freeman LE, Sandler DP, O'Connell EL, Cummings CB, Umbach DM, London SJ.

[29] Consumption of unprocessed cow's milk protects infants from common respiratory infections. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2015; 135 (1): 56-62. Loss G, Depner M, Ulfman LH, Joost van Neerven RJ, Hose AJ, Genuneit J, Karvonen M, Hyvärinen A, Kaulek V, Roduit C, Weber J, Lauener R, Pfefferle PI, Pekkanen J, Vaarala O, Dalphin JC, Riedler J, Braun-Fahrländer C, von Mutius E, Ege MJ; PASTURE study group. 

[30] Which aspects of the farming lifestyle explain the inverse association with childhood allergy? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2006; 117 (6):1374-81. Perkin MR, Strachan DP. 

[31] Surveillance for Foodborne Disease Outbreaks - United States, 2009-2015. US Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

[32] Two Types of Raw Milk: A Comparison of Pathogen Contamination Rates. British Columbia Herdshare Association. 2019.

[33] Population Survey Atlas of Exposures, 2006-2007. Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network. US Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

[34] Raw Milk Reality: Is Raw Milk Dangerous? 2019. Kresser C.

[35] Recent Trends in Unpasteurized Fluid Milk Outbreaks, Legalization, and Consumption in the United States. PLOS Currents. 2018; 10. Whitehead J, Lake B.

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